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On Breathing

Breathing can help us stay calm. Here's how.

There are many breathing exercises that are extremely helpful when stressed. One is called the "breathing square" and works as follows:

  1. Breathe in for 3 seconds

  2. Hold breath for 3 seconds

  3. Breathe out for 3 seconds

  4. Do nothing for 3 seconds

Above is a visual of how it works as well.

Try the breathing square when you find yourself having a physiological reaction to something (i.e. sweaty palms, heavy breathing, shaky breath, etc.). This can help alleviate these symptoms and it helps oxygen get to your brain so that you can think easier.

"There are many breathing exercises that are extremely helpful when stressed."

If the breathing square doesn't work for you, there are lots of other breathing exercises you can try. Alternatively, you can try making one up for yourself that works for you!

And as always...sunscreen and toe beans...

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