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On Presence

Being Present...

Ah yes... being present. We've heard of this. Some may ask what this even means. What it means to healthcare professionals is that often times we must "reset" before going into yet another patient's room or in between sessions when seeing dozens of patients or clients (or between a smaller number of really difficult cases).

What it means to you may be different - it may mean being able to concentrate on your course material in your undergraduate course of 400. It may mean gearing up for another day of guided tours on Mount Everest. It may mean showering at 5:45a to get to work early

for the 10th day in a row. It may mean forcing yourself to stay focused in a meeting regarding the same person for the 3rd time in a row. It may mean gearing up for another day of fishing on a river when the day before resulted in no fish.

All of these scenarios display incredible perseverance, albeit slightly repetitive. The purpose of presence is to "reset" one's self regardless of the situation so that you can be present physically, mentally, and emotionally in whatever moments you can.

And as always...sunscreen and toe beans...

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